Curly Girl Journey Welcome to my
curly hair journey! Let me take you back to the days before I
discovered the magic of proper hair care. This is a picture of my
pre-curly girl, second-day hair. As you can see, it looked like a rat's
nest, even after using a 'curl refresher.' I was beyond frustrated with
my hair and was ready to chop it all off. Then,
a turning point came. My mom attended a wedding where my cousin's
little girls had the most adorable curls. She inquired about their hair
routine, and my cousin graciously shared the details and products used.
This conversation sparked my memory about the Curly Girl Method. I dove
into tons of research—obsessing over it, as my hubby calls it—and
decided to give it a try. My hair loved the Curly Girl Method. It
awakened new curls, and I fell in love with my hair all over again. However,
the journey didn't stop there. I have since discovered Monat hair care
products, and my curls have been thriving like never before. My curl
definition is more pronounced, I have more volume, and the days of bad
hair are few and far between. Unlike the heavy Curly Girl products that
weighed my hair down, Monat products have given my hair new life and
bounce. Now, I jump out of bed as soon as my alarm goes off, excited to start the day with hair that I adore. I no longer hate my hair; I'm in love with it. Compliments come my way daily, and my confidence has been restored. Finding the right hair care routine with Monat has truly been the best decision ever. Thank you for joining me on this journey. I hope my experience inspires you to find the right routine for your curls, bringing out the best in your natural beauty. Monat Update February 2025: I no longer use or recommend Monat, see why here: My Monat Recovery Journey |