Welcome to Heather's Total Health Solution

 The Total Health Solution is a comprehensive online program,
combining nutrition, fitness, and a supportive community, for people who are ready to feel great again, inside and out.

Does this sound like you?

Tired of not fitting into favorite clothes
Finding it hard to find the motivation to get starting (or not knowing where to start)
Stress eating or binge eating is a constant thing
Finding it hard to fit exercise or meal prep into your busy schedule

I feel you!
For years I struggled with not knowing where to start, or starting a diet and then losing momentum after just a week or two.  Or I would derail the diet by stress eating.  I finally adressed the root cause of the problem, by focussing on mindset and then I discovered Bodi and found the perfect plan for me, with both the exercise platform and the eating plan, I have lost over 50# and am keeping it off as I continue to lose and get closer to my goals.  These are the exact steps that I'll walk you through in the program.

INCREDIBLE results has never been simpler

A digital library of 70+ fun and effective workout programs that you can do at home or on-the-go
2 nutritional education programs to choose from, based on your personal goals and preferences
Full meal plans and delicious recipes designed to fuel your workouts + your life
A supportive community for health + wellness check-ins, accountability, and inspiration
Mental health resources, including meditations, monthly podcast calendars, and mindset work
A private app to track your progress, workouts, and nutrition and earn badges when you hit milestones
1:1 support to help you pick your fitness program + nutrition plan, provide support in reaching your goals, and answer any questions you have throughout your journey

Let's talk about your goals +
 find the Total Solution bundle
 that is best for you!
Sign up with a Total Solution Pack
and get immediate access to
 your new wellness platform!
Choose your start date (it could be TODAY!)
and get started on your Total Health journey!


It’s about moving your body to celebrate it, not punish it. It's about workouts that help you live your best life. It’s about having a solid plan that fits into your life. From birthday parties to holidays and every day in between. It’s about a community working together to hit their goals and support each other along the way. It’s about consistency (not perfection). It’s about daily steps that add up to a lifetime of success.

The Total Health Solution will take you from "Where do I start? to...
"I know how to meal plan to reach my goals, while still eating the foods I love!"
"I actually look forward to pressing play on my workout every day! Who am I?!"
"I love my body and it feels so good to actually take care of myself."
"I am so grateful to be part of a community of like-minded, positive people - the resources and support have been so great for my mental health!"

Meet your BODI Partner:  Heather Thompson

I’m Heather, and I’m thrilled to share my journey with you. Over the past year, I’ve made incredible strides toward my health goals, losing 50 pounds with a commitment to shed 70 more. This transformation is more than just numbers; it's a testament to dedication and the support of a powerful community.

As a Veterinary Client Care Coordinator, wife of 19 years, and mom to a spirited 8-year-old, I understand the challenges of balancing life and health. My journey is proof that no matter your age or stage in life, you can achieve your wellness goals. I’m also a proud furkid mom, and my late 40s have shown me that it’s never too late to make a change.

When I'm not working or focusing on health, you’ll find me bullet journaling, diving into video games, or cherishing moments with my family. I’m here to guide and inspire you on your own path to wellness. Together, we can achieve your health goals and live our best lives!

It's Time to Change Your Life!!!!!

Let's Do This Together!!!

Ready to enroll in the Total Health Solution?
We have limited seats available so fill out the form at the link to save your spot!